kennel name comes from a combination of our boys parent's
breeders. Blue Isle and Tri-Ivory Australian Shepherds.
Both these kennels have produced outstanding dogs over many
years. They are our friends and are great inspiration for us.
All our dogs are usually owner handled, occasionally
a friend will lend a helping hand.
Because our dogs live an active part of our lives here at IvoryIsle we maintain a small kennel. Some of our dogs listed on our site play an important role in our kennel but may not reside with us. It is important to us to maintain a managable number of dogs in our home.
I think some of my favorite moments with my dogs is when we are just playing around at the park. Each has their own unique personality that flourishes in our home environment.
Top Photo by Cook
Left Middle Photo by Amanda
Head Study Photo by Arts Emphaze
Bottom Photo by Patty Wirries
Copyright 2007 IvoryIsle Australian Shepherds
All Rights Reserved. No part of this site can be reproduced without express written permission. All photos displayed at IvoryIsle are taken by
Darren or Amanda Hutchinson
unless otherwise noted.