Herding @ Julies Feb 2007 IvoryIsle Australian Shepherds IvoryIsle Australian Shepherds IvoryIsle Australian Shepherds
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Road Trip 2007
Strider Herding April

Well Strider has come a long way. In five short weeks and six times working on sheep, he really seems to have a good idea of what to do. He really gets very excited when we do that turn onto Shore Road, and by the time we are coming up to Julie's drive way he is talking and whining to get out to see her and those sheep!!! His daughter Rah, on the other hand, knows she is going to be first and happily waits in a relaxed manner to see Julie.

I can finally come out of hiding while he works. Actually that happened much faster than I thought it would as I would love to say I always think of him as a mummies boy... but Julie has really made a connection with him which is evident in his attentive sit while she explains to us how he did today.

I can't thank Julie enough for the great work she has done with Strider. I honestly didn't think he was going to show as much enthusiasm and interest as he has done. She really has managed to bring out the best in my "little" blue boy!

Strider Herding April 2007

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